Adam russo gay porn movie list

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Well how do you thing the people who bring it to you will get payed? That includes everyone from, performers, directors, cameraman, web designers and producers. But theres a catch 22 here, everyone wants new content but no one wants to pay for it. So much “free porn“ is available… barely anyone pays for it anymore. It’s partially the economy and largely the internet itself.

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I usually use it for promotional purposes. Only a couple studios have a decent pay scale. Is it true? Has the economic recession affected porn too? Porn stars say these days that the porn industry does not pay well. No, it’s a job I enjoy…my advocation and vocation are now one and the same and thats truly what you want in any job/career you take on. I still need to promote myself at every turn and to make sure that I’m hopefully providing what my fans want to see. I’ve worked long and hard to get where I am now. It doesn’t happen by itself especially given someone one like me who’s not exactly your typical porn performer. Y es, It’s pretty hard to just break into the industry and keep some longevity.

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